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23 - Sunni

West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Apr 28, 2023 13:24

▪️ Gender: female
▪️ Age: 22
▪️ Marital Status: single never married
▪️ Height: 5’5
▪️ Qualification: radiography 1.5 year
▪️ Job/Business: radiography assistant
▪️ Religion: Muslim
▪️ Caste: awaan
Ethnicity - British Pakistani

Performed umrah. Islamic sect- Sunni

▪️ Current City: west Yorkshire
▪️ Nationalty: British
▪️ Age Limit: 22 -28

About Me:
I’m an easy person going who enjoys travelling, going out for walks and spending time socialising with family/friends. I enjoy keeping fit and healthy. I have a passion in science. I enjoy making mocktail/milkshakes at home and cooking mostly English food. I am a kind-hearted caring individual that looks out for others. I try to help in any way possible and I am always looking out for my family. I love spending time with my nephew. I am very meticulous with my work and I work very hard. I am a calm and relax person. I had studied 3 years of Islamic studies in my teens

I would describe myself as an open and honest person who doesn't believe in misleading other people and tries to be fair in everything I do.

I am a hard working, reliable, humble and trustworthy person, I am passionate about my work. Because I love what I do. I have a steady source of motivation that drives me to do my best in my job and enjoy fulfilling patients needs on a day to day basis, showing care and compassion to everyone that I come across, and going one step further to support them through there difficulties.
I am ambitious and driven. I thrive on challenges and constantly set goals for myself, so I have something to strive towards. I’m a people person. I love meeting new people and learning about their lives and their backgrounds. I can almost always find common ground with strangers, and I like making people feel comfortable in my presence. I also want to develop on my spiritual journey alongside them.

My friends would describe me as a kindhearted, helpful, hard working and caring person who enjoys helping others in anyway I can.

Qualities of a partner:

I would like to meet someone who has a good heart, caring and understanding, holds good morals and values family and is honest. I also want someone who I can spend my whole life with, someone who is down to earth and enjoys sharing stories and can call my best friend. Fundamentally I would like someone who can help me be a better version of myself in all aspects of life.

Someone who is UK British born, who prays and willing to build and strengthen our imam together and inshallah one day to go Hajj as I’ve always wanted to go with my future husband.

Contact Details:



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