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30 - Sunni

Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Dec 11, 2019 16:39

*this profile is not created by my brother, but by me, his sister, but with that being said here some of his personal preferances*

Please keeping mind that if you are not completely interested or just *think* you're interested but not really are, please don't second guess yourself and just go along somewhere else.

I do want children and want to build a family with someone who can be a friend, a spouse and someone who can give me strength and happiness and is closer to the deen.

I pray 5 times a day, I go to the masjid for all five and try to read enough quran and dua a day, and make sure to give some sadaqah.

I want someone serious and caring, who can accept certain things that most people wouldn't come around to, basically someone genuine and someone I can lean on when I am feeling depressed or lonely.

As for superficial preferences I would prefer someone tall and cute, I suppose an Asian would be nice, but of course I accept any race and any color.

I like independance and a woman who can also work and is pretty stoic and has good faith, and who is also nice, kind, caring and compassionate, as I want to be with her. who can guide me to doing right and keep me away from bad and that I can guide her in the same way. Someone who also has no problem struggling together.

Although if you are overly controlling, demanding,selfish or talk down on people, or manipulative then I am not interested I like independence but nothing overboard. It would also be nice if you are a happy and satisfied.

Nobody too young or too old, you need to be preferably between 19-35 years of

I enjoy traveling, writing and sight seeing. From time to time or once in a while I do play some video games.

Lastly.....I do have jinn possession from a sihr being put on me in the past, I have heard one of the best cures for this is marriage and of course reading and reciting lots and lots of quran, as well as other remedies. Because of the type of possession that I have, marriage, from what I have heard would be the best cure inshaAllah and that because of the specific type it is it almost wajib for me to get married, but keep in mind that, that isn't the main reason I wish to find a wife I am mainly seeking a wife for companionship and someone to look forward to. I want to find a wife, although it's rare, I want to find a wife who can genuinely accept someone with this condition and who also wants to help heal me for the sake of Allah, and is also able to look past this and see my other qualities.

I am not a perfect muslim, and definitely have room to improve, so I'm not looking for anyone perfect either but it would nice for someone to give me a chance.



Age: 29 / sunni

United Arab Emirates


Age: 49 / sunni

United Arab Emirates


Age: 47 / sunni

United Arab Emirates


Age: 29 / sunni

United Arab Emirates


Age: 45 / other

United Arab Emirates


Age: 28 / sunni

United Arab Emirates


Age: 45 / sunni

United Arab Emirates


Age: 36 / sunni

United Arab Emirates


Age: 27 / sunni

United Arab Emirates


Age: 66 / Sunni

United Arab Emirates


Age: 29 / sunni

United Arab Emirates


Age: 35 / other

United Arab Emirates