

57 - Sunni

Bristol, United Kingdom

Jan 17, 2015 10:16

Salam alakum wa rahmathullahi wa barakatuhu.

Bismillahi Rahmani rahim wa auzubillahi minashaytaani rajim.

My name is Fatima and I am white Easton European revert Muslima alhamdulillahi. I am 47 years old and I accepted Islam
three years ago alhamdulillahi. I currently live in Bristol with my son and his family. My son is also Muslim alhamdulillahi. I am looking for some pious brother to become my husband inshallah...he must be praying 5 times a day and follow the sunnah of our beloved Messenger Muhammad salalahu alyhim wa salam. Also I much more prefer a brother who doesnt shave his beard....however I understand that to some brother sAllah just didnt give a beard and thats completely ok so really what I mean is someone to whom Allah give the chance to obey His Messenger s.a.w and yet he choose not to. Lastly he should be free of any emigration restrictions as I myself came to this country not long ago and I am looking for someone who can support me and to who I can rely on.

Barakallahu feekum.