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34 - Sunni

Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

Apr 22, 2018 20:32

I think most people would describe me as a caring; shy; honest; loyal; funny; faithful; moral and crazy tennis fan! Always curious about things around me (known to ask a lot of questions!) and would love to explore the world with my future spouse. I love going to museums and historical venues, as well as enjoying the great outdoors by visiting National Parks. I also volunteer for a lot of different charities from Islamic, to educational to medicine-based ones.

I've also recently got into a bit of a healthy lifestyle change, which I would like to continue with. Go to the gym regularly and play netball twice a week. I don't expect my future spouse to be into the healthy lifestyle but would like someone to understand and respect it.

Currently working in Medical Research and my career is important to me, as I've worked really hard to get to where I am. I would want to carry on working after marriage but that's not to say that I think my career is everything. I would however want someone to respect it.

My family are my rock so the person I marry must also be family-minded! I come from a large family where I have 3 sisters and 1 brother. I'm the eldest so the first in my family who would be married. 3 of my siblings are at university studying, whilst 1 is working full-time.

I guess what I am looking for is someone who has a personality and shares the same values in life as me. A person who is not afraid in speaking up against injustice, someone who is true to their faith, but also open-minded and has a good sense of humour. To me I'm more interested in who someone is rather than their physical looks.