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73 - Sunni

Staffordshire, United Kingdom

Mar 21, 2018 16:49

Healthcare professional background but now retired though still active with other interests. Widower over 5 years now. Pragmatic and practical person actually. Pleasant in manners, friendly personality, good sense of humour, witty, honesty combined with trusting character and integrity. Mature in age, but still feel young at heart with appreciation towards modern trends within moderation. Non-drinker & Non-smoker. Interested in healthy lifestyle for fun and relaxation in outdoor pursuits. Concerns on environmental issues, appreciation for Arts & Culture and eclectic taste in World Music. Loves simplicity, not complicated lifestyle or OTT! Seeking lady with similar qualities for long term relationship/marriage. Hopefully living modestly within our means, in Islamic faith and adherence to halal principles. More important is commitment for caring, sharing, supportive with mutual respect with lots of TLC along the way suffice basically!! Lady not necessarily professionally qualified nor academician, so long educated enough in her own rights to share intelligent conversation about current affairs in general. Good sense of humour, calm and composed with life's skills to age maturity will be welcoming. Awareness of British values for social integration and cohesiveness appreciated. We shall observe our Deen and practice together, without extremist beliefs. No chasing or striving towards materialistic dream, but enjoying simple things in life with due prudence within reasons limited to our means. I would prefer prospective lady to have NO dependent children living at home. Will ONLY consider ladies from UK please, either born Muslim or revert from whatever nationality.



Age: 40 / sunni

United Kingdom


Age: 37 / sunni

United Kingdom


Age: 53 / sunni

United Kingdom


Age: 50 / sunni

United Kingdom