

30 - Sunni

New Brunswick, Canada

Feb 26, 2018 01:11

I suppose it is time to update this, eh?

Well, I was raised Anglican in the most lack sense of the word. We celebrated Easter and Christmas and that was that.

I would ask question that would make my parents uncomfortable and the Reverend would not have the answer for. If their is one God why do we worship 3 gods like a bunch of Pagans? Why do we eat pork if the Old Testament said it is forbidden? If Jesus did away with the Old Testament why is homosexuality wrong?

When I was at university I started talking to some Muslims about general life stuff. I slowly started reading about the religion. After my know it all I am an Atheist phase I found all my original questions answered through Islam.

I am chaste, I fumble through my Arabic during Salat, I make Zakat and try to maintain all the pillars. I am not quite a Qu'ranist but I am a wee bit skeptical about all the Hadiths. I read them in historic context and try to make sense of everything I discover. It is a learning progress and I am glad Allah is known as Ar Rahim.

There are no Arabic speaks or practicing Muslims around me. I am back in a small rural Canadian village. I guess you would call me Sunni? I have noting against Shia but I am dubious about the infallibility of a human Imam. Only Allah is perfect is what I was taught (even being raised Christan) so I do not know. Truth is the most modern, sincere and genuine Muslim I ever met was a Lebanese Shi'it.

I also have a huge fascination with Iranian culture. As a coin collector I love how my Sassanian coins have Zoroastrian symbolism. I also love how after the Arab conquest of Persia you can find Sasanian coins with BismilAllah stamped on them. Lastly Shia coins are so neat. They way the Shahada is all the way around the coin with "Wa Ali" in the center is such a powerful thing.

All and all I am a normal guy. I found a job, saving up, looking at buying some land. Just looking to complete my deen as they say.

God willing we will all find what we are waiting for.