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54 - Sunni

North Dakota, United States

Mar 16, 2018 03:34

I am a practicing full hajib wearing Muslimah. I follow the minhaj of the salaf alhamdulilah and seek a spouse who also is like minded. Deen and worship of Allah are the driving forces in my life. I enjoy the simple things in life and being at home with family. I love to travel and explore different cultures. I can be quiet and shy sometimes but I also like to joke around. I am an educator and have worked in the Middle East for the past few years. I love living in a Muslim country and feel completely at home here.

I am seeking a life partner who is serious and committed to creating a life long marriage. A brother who loves to learn the deen, act upon it and teach his family. A partner who strictly adheres to the salafi minhaj. A fun and adventure loving person who is open to exploring different cultures. Someone who has moved to a Musllim country or has the intention or plan to do so would be ideal inshaAllah.


Blue heart

Age: 33 / shia

North Dakota
United States


Age: 41 / other

North Dakota
United States