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32 - Other

Massachusetts, United States

Sep 3, 2017 15:29

Assalamu alakium wa ramatulahi wa barakatu. Would like to see who's out there as I don't know what I want. I'm indecisive when it comes to big decisions. I'm very unique in personality. I don't prefer the worldly things or money. Allah has provided for me. I'm not picky but specific. I'm honest, easy going, humble, empathetic and more. I don't want anyone who would like to control me or that thinks relationships are a business venture. I'm just here to see who I'd be compatible with in all honesty it's not many. If I reach out to you it won't be because of how you look or what you have; It'll be because I admire the look in your eyes, it's not that I mean to brush off any of my brothers it's that perhaps another sister would be best suited for you inshallah. Please don't message me if you can't tolerate me not bearing your children (I have my reasons and it's not debatable, maybe adoption or the like...I can have kids I just choose not to), liking to pass around an American football (because I suck at soccer :3), practicing MMA and taking philanthropy as a job. I'm kind of ruff so if you can tolerate these things perhaps we should converse. Thanks for reading Allah bless us.



Age: 70 / sunni

United States


Age: 44 / other

United States


Age: 25 / other

United States