

34 - Sunni

New York, United States

Dec 9, 2017 20:55

Islam-who I am and will always be. Allah is first..in my deepest intentions, in anything that I do

love- is everything

Art-what I've always done, strive to be good at, my profession (set designer/hijabist), my expression in singing, dancing, theater, film, written word and my hands at work.
I never ask what art can do for me, but what can I do for people through my art. How can I serve you? How can I show you how to get there?How can I take you to that place that is the inner most reality, how can I get all of us there?...perhaps the "how" is the best part
What I’m doing with my life-
Well, I got married three years ago and now divorced. Remember when I said I know how it feels to be without love, yea well this was one of the loneliest and sad times in my life. However thank GoD! Forgiveness is is keyy.. what a secret jewel to find. It took me some time but I forgave him and I forgive myself, and I pray for the truth of Allah to be upon all of us. And.. I did learn and I know myself better than ever and I know what I want.
Right now I am back in the city, my homeplace, a regular to Nyc. Originally from Nigeria but was raised here. Moved back after being in California for a year. I continue taking classes and interning and building my portfolio in my profession as a set designer. I'm glad to be home and embrace the love of my family and friends again. Really important people in my life
And I'm ready to give this dating scene a really good serious swing in hopes to find the one...haha yea the "the one" to settle down with and grow old with, explore with, endless nights in bed with, yeaaa all that mushy yucky stuff

I have a eclectic taste and i'm open minded . Meeting different people has helped me to find great things

Vision of islam by Sachiko Murata, William C. Chittick,
the art of loving by Erich Fromm
the art being and becoming by Hazrat Inayat Khan
An actor prepares by Stanislavski
the little prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
the beauty myth by Naomi Wolf,
And Yes! Harry Friggin Potter

food- Senegalese,South Asian, french, Korean, middle eastern... I like to eat healthy

I also like going out and exploring, coffee conversations, religious activities, cook and I like to stay fit and healthy, outdoor sports are fun , hiking , camping and such
Six things I could never do without-
islam, my mom and sisters, creativity, art, dance, and one more right?..maybe "you" whoever you end up to be. Or I could just say simply.. Love.


Soo this is lengthy but.. I know what i want, because I've bee through the worse of it...And I know nobody is perfect, but these are the things that are important to me..

-If you are looking for a woman to possibly settle down with and you are ready to be responsible and not selfish and to contribute to a relationship and partnership. I will help you succeed as long as we can both help each other together to succeed.

-I'm looking for a good muslim man that believes in Allah and puts Allah first in his life. One who is honest, patient and will treat me with kind words and actions. Not someone who will take his anger out on me. not someone who is arrogant/selfish and or materialistic. Or someone who will put me down,degrade me and make me feel bad about myself.

-I want to know that I am the only woman, besides your mom. that I am wanted more than you ever wanted any other woman romantically. I dont do competition, I am not a competitive person and I dont want to feel like I am fighting to get your attention. I am very conservative when it comes to thinking or looking or lusting after other women.. I want someone who will take his everyday being with other woman in great detail and respect for me. or just simply someone who upholds his hijab

-I imagine us growing in friendship, exploration and laughter.. i love to cuddle

sooo thats that... if this sounds like something you can be and do, someone you are.. then hurry up and message me



Age: 33 / sunni

New York
United States


Age: 36 / sunni

New York
United States


Age: 31 / sunni

New York
United States


Age: 33 / Sunni

New York
United States


Age: 31 / sunni

New York
United States


Age: 42 / sunni

New York
United States


Age: 30 / other

New York
United States


Age: 32 / sunni

New York
United States


Age: 24 / other

New York
United States


Age: 34 / shia

New York
United States


Age: 22 / other

New York
United States


Age: 33 / sunni

New York
United States