

39 - Sunni

ankara, Turkey

Feb 4, 2018 21:58

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahu wabarakatuh,
Actually im not good for describing myself and ı didint wirtr more things aboyt myself but a lady from here warned me about how it couse our aim wont work. So I tried to write a little. İnşhaAllah it will be useful.
I am usually funny-cheerful opened up and positive personality. I usually dont like speaking more about unimportant subjects but ı can talk more with my values' subject longly too. I am a little more romantic for a man which ı have to hide and have to control. Because ı am male
I can be shy when ı talk with a girl who make me think that we can get closer for merriage and she may be my wife in future seriously.
I have never a girl friend expect that someone whose meet me for a while about marriage. I have never been engaged.
I can cook easy meal when ı need. I am in though a man may helps his wife when she need, but ı can't cook complicated food
I wear clothes normally but ı want to change it a little more as sunnah inşaAllah. I dont want to be seem like west style. I dont listen music, ı see it as haram and its very bad for my soul. I dont watch tv too and dont plan about having it in future please dont insist on it. I hope you'll help me for these subjects*. 
I like travelling, i have traveled some places in my country. I have never traveled to abroad but ı can do it easyly. I get pasaport newly for this aim. if ı found a good one then ı can go without wasting time for pasaport etc.
I am someone who has though a woman cant travel without her mahram except from sprecial and compulsory subject like ilness or worsts.
I put my self into islamic study, listening watching İslamic knowladge video and reading quran often. ı do lesson with my a few friends to improve my knowladge about my deen InshaAllah.
I want to find my life partner in islamic way that can reach to nikah as soon as possible so i dont want to waste my time, i dont do haram relation such as dating chating etc.(Isra 17 : 32)

I am working at a office as making construction projects. And ı dont want a wife as a worker. I want a housewife or fulltime mother who care my kids and me fully, not a worker for monay. Please dont get me wrong, sounds classic because ı have to responsible on Judgement day.
I dont really believe online dating but ı am just trying. because there is no way left from my muslim environments. Then why not trying.
I will try to reply every message.
I will try to write more. See you later inşhaAllah.



Age: 63 / other


Loae smher

Age: 31 / sunni



Age: 27 / sunni



Age: 28 / sunni
