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25 - Sunni

West Midlands, United Kingdom

May 16, 2024 14:29

Salam! JazakAllah for dropping by.
I am an Indian citizen, pursuing masters in Islamic Studies at University of Birmingham, UK since 2023. I also work at an Islamic Sunday School and at an international Muslim NGO.
For me, just fulfilling the basic pillars is not enough as a Muslim, which is why I love to spare some time for serving the society by volunteering at NGOs, conducting Seerah and Quranic Arabic language classes for ladies and kids as a form of ‘Akhirat- oriented Investment’. I also regularly write for online journals and media outlets on contemporary issues, especially those affecting the Muslim community. I hope I am able to undertake greater tasks as a responsible Muslim in future.
Besides, I like to read novels along with spending quality time with family and friends. I love to assist my parents in household chores and talking to them. I am not a great cook, but am getting better since I have started living independently away from home in these few months.
Alhamdulillah I am striving to improve my Deeni knowledge by reading Tafsir, Seerah and other books along with following an array of scholars such as Dr Israr Ahmed, Nouman Ali Khan, Farhat Hashmi, Yasir Qadhi, Sahil Adeem amongst others. By God’s grace, I have memorized a few Juz of the Quran as well. I hope I am able to apply whatever I am learning in life inshaAllah with perfection. I wear abaya for approximately seven years now, but I still struggle with Niqab, and am trying to improve on that. As everyone else, I am also imperfect but try to amend my shortcomings as much as possible. Alhamdulillah, I try to prioritize Allah SWT, (though not as is His Haq) and my religion in all walks of life.



Age: 37 / sunni

West Midlands
United Kingdom


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West Midlands
United Kingdom


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West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 45 / sunni

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 34 / sunni

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 28 / sunni

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 25 / sunni

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 44 / sunni

West Midlands
United Kingdom

ReadBioFirst.26-35 y/o only

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West Midlands
United Kingdom


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West Midlands
United Kingdom


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West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 21 / sunni

West Midlands
United Kingdom