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27 - Sunni

West Midlands, United Kingdom

Jun 4, 2022 07:20

Nikah Profile
SNR 3698
*Gender:* Male
*Ethnicity:* Half indian, half Pakistani, British
*Current Location:* Birmingham
*Qualifications:*Medical degree
*Ancestoral Village:*Gujrat, India (Mother), and Kashmir, Pakistan (Father)
*Legal Status in the UK *Citizen
*Marital Status:*Single, Never married
*Any Children?*No
*Any disabilities?*No
*Are you a Revert or Born muslim?*Born Muslim
*Complexion:*Light brown
*Appearance (e.g. Hijab-Niqab/Beard etc):*Short beard
*Prays 5x Salah:*Yes
*Which Madhab do you follow in understanding the rulings of Quran & Sunnah* (e g Hanafi, Shafi etc) Sunni Muslim

*Any other information about yourself?*
Islam plays an important role in my life , I like to attend islamic lectures, read Qur'an , attend the masjid. I pray 5 X a day.
I work as a junior doctor.
I like keeping active by attending the gym for cardio, swimming, reading Islamic themed books and watching islamic lectures, going on walks in nature places.
I am half Indian , half Pakistani. I am not looking to relocate out of Birmingham.

Preferences in your potential partner?*
*Preferred Age range:* 20- 25
*Preferred Height range:*5ft +
*Consider other ethnicity?*Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi
*Consider a Revert?*No
*Consider Divorcee or Widowed?*No
*Consider someone with children?*No
*Consider someone not UK Citizen?*No
*Consider someone with disability?*No
*Willing to relocate?*Yes to Birmingham
*Preferred Education:*First degree
*Preferred Occupation:*Don't mind
*Buildetite, Slim, Skinny, Athletic, Average

*Any other description of what your looking for in a spouse?*
Personality: Kind, caring, friendly, warm, loving, compassionate
Islam to play an important role in their life.
Tries to pray 5 X a day.
Ideally likes to participate in islamic related activities.
Wears hijab, and modest dress.
Studied at university and has a first degree.
After children happy to work part time or less and would prioritise family over career.
Happy to relocate to Birmingham.
Not currently looking for a doctor.
Would be happy to live with my parents for a year or so after marriage to help save for a deposit, build a family bond.

Contact number:
Main contact number:Myself: 07473932694



Age: 25 / sunni

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 23 / sunni

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 24 / sunni

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 35 / shia

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 24 / sunni

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 32 / sunni

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 29 / sunni

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 33 / sunni

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 29 / sunni

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 41 / sunni

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 34 / sunni

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 36 / sunni

West Midlands
United Kingdom