

30 - Sunni

Staffordshire, United Kingdom

Jun 18, 2015 01:31

Alhamdhulilah I am a practising muslim and value my deen. I like to develop my knowledge in the deen and hope to be become a female scholar in sha Allah. I dream to travel around the world in sha Allah if I do find a brother with the same passion. In fact I hope to live in an Islamic country with my potential spouse someday but Allah Knows Best. I love to cook and alhamdhulilah can make Arabian, Somalian, Indian and English food as well as experiment on different new recipes. Alhamdhulilah, I am an approachable person and easy to talk to and I like to make new friends for the Sake of Allah. Alhamdhulilah, all I seek at the moment is a appropriate brother suitable to in sha Allah complete my deen.