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59 - Sunni

south africa, South Africa

Jun 18, 2015 08:03

I'm not here to rate people 2big 2fat 2black 2thin but rather find. A person to complete my life's journey with im an easy going person wishing for nothing much to be at home with that special person , I dint shun the world but hope to spend a life according to the Qur'an and Sunnah and built our own everlasting success in Jannah so i only eat drink halaal not even that wich is doubtfull . My Deen is my no 1 priority and interest and wish to grow in Deen as much and devote more time to it inshallah . No day is a day without 5 times salaah giving thanx and praise to our Creator and Sustainer ALLAH azza wa jahl inshallah



Age: 42 / sunni

South Africa
South Africa


Age: 34 / sunni

South Africa
South Africa