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43 - Sunni

West Sussex, United Kingdom

Jun 24, 2020 13:30

Asalaamu Alaikum
•Im 39 years old but look younger.
•My Height is 5"10 with Big build.
•Im Black British with Jamaican Origin & Light skinned.
•I have a Bald shaved head with full beard.
•My Eyes are Green/hazel.
•I do not smoke, drink alcohol or listen to music.
•My appearance Is Smart Islamic look Thawb with Shoes.
•I became Muslim 2001 & Practising consistently for 15 years.
•I Class myself as a strict Muslim but NEVER extreme I'm balanced.
•I practise Islam based upon evidence from Quran & sunnah how the first 3 generations understood I do not Blind Follow a Madhab.
•I take knowledge from the known recognised scholars around the world mainly Saudi, Yemen, Kuwait, West Africa & Egypt.
•I do not participate in Biddah or Mix Cultural practises into Islam.
•I Work Full time I’m a Corporate Security Guard for 18 years.
•I was previously married it lasted 5 years we have two children together now aged 6 & 8, I’ve been divorced since January 2016, I have only been married once and I have no problems with answering any questions regarding my marriage or divorce.
•Im a devoted loving father and my 2 children will continue to be a very important part of my life and my responsibility.
•Im very close to my Mum and family the Muslims & Christians but will never compromise my religion to please anyone by attending there Christian festivals, they respect my way of life ISLAM as they can see it turned me into a better person.
•Friends - prophet Muhammad saws said a man is upon the religion of his companion so choose your companions wisely.
So based upon this all my friends are practising Muslims & working professionals with good manners. I do not keep company with non Muslims, or non practising Muslims, criminals or extremists.
•My interests are Seeking Islamic knowledge, Reading, Dawah, Weight training, Boxing, Cooking, Baking Cakes also I would love to travel abroad to Muslim countries.
•I have been to France - Belgium - Morocco and InshaALLAH one day would consider living in North Africa or Arab Lands.
•I am not on any social networking sites & would exspect the same from my future wife I strongly believe social networking has removed decency and morality from people and destroyed society and is a complete waste of time.
•I have been married once and divorced once. I do not agree with this current fitnah which is destroying Families and the Muslims Honour, Marrying & Divorcing Multiple times and not taking marriage seriously, as Muslims we should be the best example within our societies.
May ALLAH cure the ummah of this Ameen.



Age: 34 / sunni

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 35 / other

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 37 / sunni

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 48 / sunni

West Sussex
United Kingdom