

31 - Sunni

Bangalore , India

Jun 14, 2020 19:32

Salamu alaykum.
InshaAllah I'm ready to enjoy complete Eemaan.
I'm kind,sophisticated,forgiving,Not sarcastic,humble,respectful,Good chef assistant,striving to be Nutritious foodie,down to the earth,emotional sometimes when I see unjust happening around me...
Financially stable but not too much like I dont earn harram but i earn halal with no debts and haven't gone through reeba yet! Oh Allah save me from reeba.. yeah none is escaped from reeba.. its completely mixed into all atmosphere...
To be Factually I'm simple and I like simplicity more ever I feel to be generous although it's requirement for the eternity (Akhirah).
I'm progressively striving to be better person.
I stay connected to Rahmaan always..
I believe in rememberance of Allah do gives me a satisfaction to my heart and brain coherence..
So yes I want to change and I want to detoxify my Soul it's my first primary obligation.
Let' me hope to reach best destinations in heavens since I also believe" Earth is made for Humans and Humans are created for the heavens" so I just feel blessed&abundance always alhumdulilah.
Who ever go through my profile please do send some good energy of duwa.. indeed it's good for you as well..
Lastly its important for me to hold the rope of Allaah till my last breath.

I have four sisters 3 married. 1 is 12 grade.
All of ous born in india& raised in saudia..
Now I'm staying with Mom&Dad..
I work for healthcare company as RCM analyst..

I'm very simple and God fearing man.
I like traveling and socializing.
Wanted to memorize Qur'an.
I want my wife to be homemaker.
Basically for me loving someone and being loved by someone back with same intensity is so much for me... its miracle or magic for me in world when your soul mate understands you and you understand her back is worth of living...Alhumdulilah



Age: 37 / sunni



Age: 40 / sunni



Age: 38 / sunni
