

49 - Sunni

Maryland, United States

Jun 14, 2024 13:28

i want to find the rare person that realizes we're not living, that life begins when we die and start the afterlife- that means blissful prayer and empathetic fasting. - like the creator wants us to. I'M TEMPORARILY IN A WHEELCHAIR; PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IF YOU WRITE. THANKS.

i really like to express myself by writing. i hope you like it.

what can i possibly say to describe myself and differentiate myself from all the other dogs, er, men vying for position in the race to a woman's heart. the answer is beyond me and i don't date (by choice) as dating inevitably leads to touching (premarital s*x.) so i'm here using this site in an attempt to complete my life. (reminiscent of the '96 american movie, Jerry Maguire line- "you complete me") i can be quite opinionated and extraordinarily stubborn at times. surprisingly, i am very open-minded at the same time. i want a girl who is genuinely god-fearing; fanaticism really pisses me off ... who sincerely tries or wants to be a good muslim ... that knows that islam is not really the third of the 3 great monotheistic religions, but merely the completion of the one real religion ... that knows the reason to life is to worship allah/god ... that covering one's hair alone does not make one more pious than not ... that realizes that this personal's stuff is not a beauty or popularity contest like high school may have been ... that when a man deals with a woman, if he mistreats her he is mistreating himself ... i came to the truth only a few years ago. am i asking too much? probably ... i'm an american who was born in beirut (i am proud of that fact, as many are, but i am NOT proud of the rampant pretentiousness exhibited by many lebanese.) with heritage from syria and turkey and family in the u.a.e. the u.k., and the u.s. (can you say mutt?) finding someone in the u.s. (or anywhere) with arab heritage is hard enough. finding a compatible muslim/christian is nearly impossible. my affectionate friends would describe me as patient, perceptive, and loyal. my not-so-affectionate friends (acquaintances) would probably say i'm too realistic and stubborn. oh, well. i am very friendly, but also very busy. please don't be intimidated by the above; if you want to contact me, please do. just mail me rather than chat. (please realize no pic = no response you've seen me, now it's your turn...)

i don't know much about much. if one looks at a few personal profiles, you see that most people include a description of their match.. it seems everyone who's normal is looking for the same thing: someone of the opposite s*x who's attractive & intelligent - maybe i'm pointing out the obvious... i don't know much about much. one thing i do know is that if you treat your wife well (she is your wife making her deserving of the minimum: being treated right.) if you treat your wife WELL, and thus make her happy, the entire household will be happy. regardless whether children are involved or not, when the wife is happy, everyone is happy. i don't know much about much.



Age: 42 / sunni

United States


Age: 55 / sunni

United States


Age: 40 / sunni

United States


Age: 53 / other

United States


Age: 47 / sunni

United States


Age: 34 / sunni

United States


Age: 65 / sunni

United States


Age: 36 / sunni

United States


Age: 41 / other

United States


Age: 20 / sunni

United States


Age: 49 / sunni

United States

A. Kha.

Age: 30 / sunni

United States