

33 - Sunni

Perugia , Italy

May 28, 2024 23:51

Note:IF you girl's are not interested but at least response for ASSALAMALIKUM

I may not be the most beautiful but I can make your life colorful.

I don't look like a super model but to our future kids I can be a role model

I'm not gorgeous but my heart is precious.

I don't have wealth but I can take care of your health.

I'm not a doctor who can heal you but when you are ill, I can do my best for you!

I'm not a clown but I can make you laugh when you are feeling down.

In other words I can do anything to be your everything.

I believe communication is the key to know each other. We can talk within the boundaries of Islam insha’Allah. You can ask me whatever you want and I will be honest in my answers.