

35 - Sunni

Napoli, Italy

Oct 15, 2018 23:47

I love thunderstorms but I can’t live without sunshine. I find beauty in almost everything about this incredible world we live in… I like to swing at the park, play in the snow, and stomp in puddles. Seems like everybody says they’re laid back on here. I’m not. I’m actually really hyper. The most laid back thing about me is my cat and even he has to get up and run laps around the room from time to time. If you like getting outside, going out, a guy who tries too hard to make you laugh, and getting to know someone who’s a little different I’d love to take you out. My friends would probably describe me as goofy but somehow I always end up being the responsible one. I have a lot of hobbies to keep up with. At the moment I’m focused on reading and fishing. One helps me get out and be social and the other helps me get away from it all. Finally, I am a researcher in Naples, Italy. Feel free to ask.