

28 - Sunni

New Delhi, India

Feb 6, 2019 09:14

just a normal guy with an extrovert nature, talks to everyone, love and respect everyone, born and brought up in New Delhi, loves to travel on my motorcycle, Under Graduated,
but that is just my profession, its not what i do, but who i am underneath that describes me.

i consider my self quiet funny but a bit sarcastic, i didn't talk Very Much Just Like to Hear,
not afraid of hard work, but try to work smart.

love outdoors, mostly riding my bike
studying about Islam and comparative religions, Islamic eschatology..

No dowry on any condition,

my tawajjo is most on earning halal income, and keep riba out of my life and bussiness,
MashaAllah i have read the tarjuma of the quran and also Sunnah of Our Messenger of God (PBUH)

orthodox muslim family, try as much as we can to practice islam, Allah has us saved from shirk and biddah,
i offer salah even at work or while travelling, and fasting in Ramadan always,

telling all this not to brag but to express who i am

need a wife, lifepartner, someone i can share my secrets with, and who can ride to the hills with me on my bike and watch sunset while sitting near a stream of water, this and all other journeys, and the journey of life.

we can talk to know more about eachother, ask me whatever you wanna know.
looking for the wife allah has chosen for me, would be awesome if she has an extrovert nature, talks to everyone, love and respect everyone,
sects dont matter to me if you recite the kalima e sahadah u r a muslim to me, there are no sects in islam.

family / finacial status dosent mater, no going to take dowry, all i want is an awesome life partner

will prefer profiles with unfiltered pics,without fake blue eyes, (who dosent) it shows you love yourself and that will make me love you.
no doubt allah is the best planner, lets she what he has planned for us.


Alam @1799

Age: 40 / other

New Delhi


Age: 33 / sunni

New Delhi


Age: 37 / sunni

New delhi


Age: 22 / shia



Age: 33 / sunni

New Delhi