

35 - Sunni

Bavaria, Germany

Jan 19, 2017 17:31

The picture is not mine, I just find it a bit more comfortable to stay anonymous until it needed to do otherwise.
Many funny and cool guys around, but they refuse to believe in Allah. In the other hand, many muslims here, too bad none of whom seems to be a funny and cool guy. Guess I’m screwed, right?
Yet here I am, hoping there will be a guy who thinks the same thing.

Study said that only 5% interactions in sites like this led to actual meeting in person, so let’s see.

I went to the field in catastrophe sites as search and rescue team anytime I got the chance, once I traveled to another country for my pregnant friend whom at the time have a wish of a dish that can only be cooked home there and I cooked for her.
I drag myself across the world to pursue my education in the passion that I believe in.

Other than above average cooking, I can say that I am quite lame in housewife tasks.

I am very determined person, I know what I want and what I dont want.

I try to practice Islam as much as I could, although of course I am sure still lacking here and there, but to me, how you practice in your life is your business with Allah, I will respect it no matter what.

I am up for coffee rather than too long chit chat on text or skype. I may be willing to travel for this coffee if the person on the side is worth meeting for.

My friends said I surprised them, but I guess I am just someone who can articulate the stuff that I went through in a thrilling way which makes it fun to hear from.
I don’t know…I mean…, if people talk about their achievement without being asked, isn’t that considered show off these days?

Anyway, I enjoy helping people, watch masculine sports (football, boxing, wrestling, f1, moto gp, extreme sports), learning things, movies, food, writing, reading and traveling.

If someone doesn’t say much on their description section, usually I would take a look in the ‘’more about me section’’, cause I think you can see something when someone mentioning their fave book or movies.

2 true stories I saw it in front of my very eyes:
1. One guy interested in a girl, she seems nice, time goes by, she is indeed nice and all. They became a good friend.
One day the girl casually asked the guy to buy a book, as she acknowledge it that the guy is on his way to the bookstore, the guy say yes and the girl hand him the money for her book, the guy refuse it and told her its on him, its his pleasure, the girl insist, the guy insist even more, the girl gave up, accept the book, saying thank you and smile.
Another few weeks, the guy come forward and the girl response that he’s not what she’s looking for, she thought everything is fine, another day, we were hangout with other classmates, she asked him “can I borrow your phone for a minute, I need to call my landlord now but my battery is out”, he answered no.


2. A girl live with 2 other flatmates, called it, x,y and z. X is hot, but have very high opinion of herself, Y, is the least hot, but caring and sincere, while Z is just average who seeks attention from the popular girls.
One day, Y cooked X a dinner,
X said “aw its unnecessary, thank you, but why did you do it?”,
Y answers “I saw you rushed to go to class this morning, and I remember that on Wednesday you never had time for lunch, and then you’re home at 6, so I was pretty sure that you hadn’t got the time to prepare anything and I just want save you the hassle”, X says thank you again.

Another week Y call Z from supermarket,
Y : hey where are you?
Z : I am at school but about to go home now, what’s up?
Y : cool, I am in supermarket, shopping for dinner event tomorrow is our turn, I got the errand for us, its just the same direction from you, I bought things a bit too much, is it okay if you stopped by and we go home together? I’ll be right by the street so you won't have to park.
Z : hmm I am sorry but I am so tired, I need to back directly home.
Y : oh alright, sorry.
Then Y took a cab.

Another time, Z was sleeping, X called her, “hey I just finished my shots, do you fancy pick me up from bar to home”, Z woke up and pick her up.

---- People are strange, sometimes we failed to see the real pearl because we're too busy to impressed people rather than doing the sincere thing. ----



Age: 24 / sunni



Age: 26 / sunni
