

24 - Sunni

Shanghai , China

May 27, 2024 12:05

Salam Alaykom
السلام عليكم

نصح النبي محمد المسلمين بالزواج ؛ نهى عن ممارسة العزوبة. قال: "الزواج وصيتي وممارستي. أولئك الذين لا يتبعون عملي ليسوا مني". وقال أيضا: "إذا تزوج الرجل أتم نصف دينه".

Prophet Muhammad advised Muslims to marry; he forbade the practice of celibacy. He said, "Marriage is my precept and my practice. Those who do not follow my practice are not of me." He also said, "When a man has married, he has completed one half of his religion."

Like every muslim i wanna complete my Dinn and keep it halal if Allah will .


i m Moroccan born & raised but i live in China, i m semi pro football player with a bachelor in electrical engineering but decided to follow my passion .

and since sport is a job full of risks i dont depend on it to live , i own some business here & there alhamdolilah and that allows me to be more free as an athlete .
looking for someone who is ready to spend our lives together and help each other through ups & downs no matter what , guided by Deen and enjoying Dunya in Halal . Location , age , race background ... all of that doesnt matter to be as much as deen ,taqwa , comprehension and being ready for a life time journey , but i had to choose i would prefer a courageous lady with adventurous soul and fun side because life is always easier with a small smile . I m not looking for a perfect match , i m looking for an honest , caring and respectful relationship where we could do that extra effort for each other .

thanks for going this far and reading about me , if u see me compatible u can msg me and if u have any questions dont hesitate aboout asking me .
good luck to everyone of u and may Allah bless u and guide u for the best
Salam .



Age: 44 / sunni



Age: 31 / sunni
