

47 - Sunni

East Java, Indonesia

Jun 1, 2024 02:44

good moslem, serious and kindness. Consider to be a good wife and a good mother. Just follow what Allah drives in my life. It's really difficult to meet the serious man in this application. A match is if I love him and he loves me, then commit, put the trust to Allah and then get married. But those are really hard to find nowadays. I am an Indonesian. And living in Indonesia now. Just surrender to Allah. I believe that Allah will return back my smile with meeting me the right man who will love me, love me, and love me sincerely. May Allah let me feel the true love before Allah call me to come back to Allah. So that, I can testify to Allah that the true love exists and Allah has presented it to me. I beg Allah with the earnest requests. I am a shy woman to start conversation with a man, let Allah drive your heart to text me firstly. Then let's see what will happen.
But, I need to write here that NO PHOTO NO ATTENTION NO REPLY. Because in my mind, firstly, for sure, I will interest to talk to you by looking your profile firstly, then your personality after talking. If you're really serious searching your partner, you should open your detail. Thank you...
Allah Hafiz