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54 - Sunni

North Carolina, United States

Sep 14, 2019 01:11

Assalamunalaikum! I am someone who loves traveling and learning about new cultures. I’ve travelled all over the world alhumdulilah and plan on visiting new places every year.

I live a very active and healthy lifestyle and would like to be with a man who also highly values these things as well. Especially, I love taking walks in nature everyday.

Above all other qualities I value honesty and kindness. I want to find someone who would want to live a drama free and loving life together.

Finally, it is extremely important to me to be with someone who brings me closer to my deen and pushes me to be a better Muslima everyday—as I would also want to do this for my partner as well InshaAllah!



Age: 44 / shia

North Carolina
United States


Age: 56 / sunni

North Carolina
United States


Age: 62 / sunni

North Carolina
United States

Green Lady

Age: 28 / sunni

North Carolina
United States


Age: 55 / sunni

North Carolina
United States


Age: 60 / sunni

North Carolina
United States