

73 - Other

Connecticut, United States

Jan 2, 2020 14:33

I'm a down to earth, caring, love, and loyal person with morals and virtues of my own, but rather open-minded, fairly easy going, witty, intelligent, and rather irreverent, sometimes ..... I'm quite humble and appreciate the little things in life that people do to me and that I am capable of doing for others. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to make someone feel special, loved, wanted and cared for. For the right woman I would have given my all. I tend to not ask for much, circumstances have made me very independent and proud, therefore, are not too hard to please! Surprisingly, most of them are pretty conventional too, and surprisingly I did not land in my area since the time I was alone, maybe because I like to share, enjoy the people and continue to believe that there is someone out there that I should be sharing rest of my life



Age: 38 / sunni

United States


Age: 44 / sunni

United States

Mohamed Hussain

Age: 27 / sunni

United States