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29 - Sunni

West java, Indonesia

Jul 1, 2019 19:04

I like swimming, traveling and cooking and make some food especially bake cake. i am pray five time and practicing muslim, i dont like man with smoke and drink alcohol. I live in bogor west java with my mother and my sister. My family is always practicing muslim. I just have 1 sister she was marriage and her husband from germany , so my sister live in germany.

Im Looking for serious halal Relationship and find for Marriage. I don't care if you from another country and different culture most important is it religion and youre iman , akhlak and aqidah.. Man with honest, loyal, understanding and he must muslim with knowledge islam , fear to allah and practice islam like doing sunnah, pray 5 time,read al-quran and fasting. I know nobodys perfect but we can learn everything together to be better. Wa salam



Age: 50 / other

West java


Age: 26 / sunni

West Java