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29 - Sunni

Kogi, Nigeria

Apr 22, 2019 19:05

Assalam alaykum.
I am a simple person of stern principles, yet a simple kind of many flaws. I am a citizen of the World at large, and of Islam to be pecise. I'm not sentimental but still struggling imbibe tolerance.
The thought crossed my mind just today, that there could exist a site like this. And I thought to myself: "What harm could come of meeting a devoted Muslim online?" And I checked and hey, I'm writing this piece.
Please, pass by this piece if you care less for Islamic principles. Please pass by, if you're not a man of ambition.
Before I forget... I'm an architect with a disturbingly high appetite for knowlegde.
I hope to find my purpose-made companion, In Shaa ALLAH.