

27 - Sunni

Hamilton, New Zealand

Jan 9, 2019 05:20

Assalam Alykum Wa Rahmat Allah Wabarakatuh... 21 have a good job Alhamdulilah.
Criteria of the my future wife:-
1- Niqabi , Salafi ,someone whom memorizes the Quran ( if not then someone whom is willing to learn more about Islam)
2- doesn't shake hand with other men except her Mahrams. Also not involved too much in social media e.g. FB, Ig...etc . And if she does not have an account there that would be better with exemptions for dawah purposes.
3- welll mannered and educated.
4- beautiful with attractive face so that I never look at other women rather than her
5- accepts polygamy.

P.S if some of the above does not apply to you, I will still be interested in you as long as you are willing to accept changes in your life from the list above