

40 - Sunni

Kenya, Kenya

May 18, 2014 22:27

First and foremost, I fear Allah (SWT) and am accountable to him. I execute my religious duties by establishing 5 times Salat ( mostly Fajr, Magrib and Isha in Masjid), Ramadan plus Trawee, and paying Zakat. I have unquenchable thirst for knowledge of Deen (learning Arabic to understand the Quran, memorizing the Quran, knowledge of Sahih Hadith, and general knowledge). I am a kind, calm, patient, thoughtful, sensitive, caring, passionate and a confident family oriented person who has goals in life, and believes they can be achieved with the help of Allah. I am a good listener, and believes there is a solution to everything (I ask Allah for help), I believe in constant continuous improvement and I apply this concept to everything as well as to my relationship with my future spouse and family. I promise to be a kind, calm, patient, understanding and a loving wife whose priority will be to protect and take care of her family. I really do love kids, and will Insha'Allah raise them as my own if you happen to have any. I grew up the around the world among many different ethnicities (Muslim and non Muslim), therefore I am very tolerant and open minded and have great respect for all Muslims and non Muslims of all backgrounds. This is also the reason why I tenaciously cling onto and value Islam so much, it is the only true path to success (True success is gaining entry into Pradise). I pray that Allah (SWT) keeps me steadfast on his true path, and allows me to die saying lailaha'illalla as a Muslim. Allhumdulliah, bottom line I fear Allah (SWT) and care a great deal for my Akhirah. Otherwise what's the point. Pretty simple really



Age: 41 / sunni



Age: 28 / sunni
