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44 - Sunni

Essex, United Kingdom

May 26, 2018 17:33

Here goes: according to me - I'm a dreamer, according to my family - innocent and according to my students - optimistic. I'm looking for someone who can make a place for me and my son, who is 13,but still very naive and shy. By now some of you would have stopped reading and that's fine. He's my world but he understands what I'm doing.So any time wasters please also go away. I love my job and I've worked hard to get to where I am (hence why I'm now focusing on my love life and hoping it's not too late!). I like to see the good in people and honestly I would like to see myself settled within two years. So am seeking Mr Right - the one made for my little unit. The Mr Patient, Mr Funny, Mr Honesty, Mr Loyal - that kind of guy. The one who loves his family but isn't tied to his apron strings anymore. The guy who understands that a divorcee with a single child should not be a stain on society. I'm not a party girl, I value my privacy. So if you think we can match - what are you waiting for? I’m not looking for someone who can’t understand my values. I’m not someone who wears a headscarf and I’m also not seeking someone who preaches religion in every waking breath. I pray my salat 5 times a day and read Quran daily but faith is private for me and I’m tolerant towards all. So if you don’t mind conversing with a strong independent (slightly feminist) individual get in touch. But if I’ve already put you off, then please don’t waste my time. All the best



Age: 25 / sunni

United Kingdom


Age: 39 / sunni

United Kingdom


Age: 37 / sunni

United Kingdom