

36 - Sunni

Marrakesh, Morocco

Apr 26, 2018 10:17

الحمد لله. والصلاة والسلام على من لا نبي بعده.

To be honest, i just keep stearing at my keyboard when it comes to talking about myself. But here i go.
i'm very simple man rised in poor family whom i love so much. i didn't finish my school. i finally got descent job and ready for the next chapter in my life. i do make living and enough to support wife.

i'm an introvert person. i don't like socializing with people. i do have some friends whom i can be extrovert with. aslo with the family. because i see myself as family oriented man.

when i was so young. like 25 and before that. i barely know a thing about the Religion. howover, after that age. i started to be more and more intested. started to practise, read and memorise some Quran. Read islamic book etc... and now i may say alhamdu liLlah my life is not as same as before.
i don't stricty follow any Islamic Scholar, i'm opened to all the four Mathabs. i follow whatever has enough proof in Hadith and Quran.

i like reading
playing football

any other Question, please ask.

"وتوكل على الحي الذي لا يموت وسبح بحمده"
ربنا عليك توكلنا واليك انبنا واليك المصير.