

28 - Sunni

Maryland, United States

Aug 14, 2021 02:29

I am a very passionate, fun, and caring person who loves her deen more than anything. I have a business doing henna and selling spa products. I want to go to school and do cosmetology one day. I love to draw, take hikes, and listen to audiobooks. I also love listening to Islamic lectures and gaining knowledge. I do photography as well when I’m feeling inspired. I like cooking new foods and trying out new recipes. I am headstrong and very stubborn. I protect the truth and I steer clear of lies. I like to dress up and wear wigs, so if that ain’t your style have a good day. I am also a YouTuber and tiktoker I hope you are okay with cameras! I am always moving and doing something except when I meditate, I am not to be disturbed.

Also, I love to dress up! This means I love colored contacts, wigs, braids and nice clothes. I do this occasionally, not everyday, but if you don’t like your wife wearing these things, please swipe left. It will keep us both from heartache in the end.

I am not here to rush I don’t do I love you at first sight. We are friends first before anything. Don’t think that just because we are both Muslim that that’s all we need in common. We are both human and so I will examine your character accordingly. Also as an empress that holds weight and has big dreams and set goals for herself. my main concern is that you come with your own empire as well. Although this is figure of speech, you get that you can’t just come to me with nothing. Every emperor for an empress, I don’t want a king! This is just the half of it.



Age: 53 / other

United States


Age: 35 / sunni

United States


Age: 24 / sunni

United States