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37 - Sunni

East Sussex, United Kingdom

May 6, 2024 18:52

A digital nomad looking for a Muslimah to join me in the quest for building a home here in Dunya that is reflected in Akhirah

I am a head-heart strong individual who loves to get lost in books.
Though trained with a creative eye, I seek a heart that sees beauty beyond the apparent. A restless heart will find solace in what was promised, our Deen is wonderful, inquisitive and full of hope - I seek someone who will join me in the quest to learning for spiritual growth. Having had the test of marriage I have seen first hand what it is like to live with someone who is far from the truth. It alienated me, and severed the spiritual chord that I spent most of my adult life knowing. What I realised through test Alhamdulillah is that a soul cannot go far, will always seek its maker, and will always remain restless till it finds synergy with its divine purpose. Being a designer by training enables me to understand purpose, I pray we all find our better halves who make us live, laugh and share.