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36 - Sunni

Turkmenistan, Turkmenistan

Jan 31, 2024 05:47

Assalam Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahiym
Alhamdulillah I'm a Muslim who started practicing Islamic obligations according to Quran and Sunnah in manhaj salaf us saleheen not long ago.
Allah is my Lord , Allah is my King and Allah is the One and only God I worship. I get strength from Allah by praying to Allah, by having sabr in all calamites (and tribulations) Allah sends us.
The reason I have a profile here is to find a spouse to love and to have half of my deen completed. Insha Allah I am planning to achieve this important duty of mine and complete the half of my deen the best I can by the Mercy of Allah. I am looking for a wife who strives to be a better Muslim woman. I'm not looking for the perfect companion. Everyone has their flaws, and I have as well. Moreover, some of the qualities I value are optimism and the ability to see the positive in different situations. I would like to marry a religious muslim woman for the sake of Allah, since I need such a woman so that inshaallah she will be the one whom I can love and rely on raising our children by giving them a good tarbiyeh according to Qur'an and Sunnah.
Moreover I can tell you that I do not watch tv and limit media in my life wherever and whenever I can. Instead I like spending time with my family members and take time to be involved in family activities. For exampe I like shopping with my mother in bazaar and markets and spend time with my sister and nephew. I like cooking with my mother, who is a retired teacher. we are a simple family. I prefer deep honest conversations within the bounds of respect. I can get along with people of all ages and care deeply for those close to me. I like to introduce Islam and I don't like forcing my beliefs on others so I look for a religious and righteous spouse who can join me being happy and grateful to Allah for every good we have. Also we do voluntary works. help others in need and occasionally travel.
I would like to have a spouse who support me like our mother Khadijah bint Huwaylid (radiyallahu anha) did support our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallyallahu aleyhi wessellem) and I expect her to be a spouse who likes studying our deen diligently. By studying his seerah and learning about ashabs we can have a good atmosphere at home -barakah, after all, and insha Allah we will have a very tight relationship with each other. Also by teaching it to our new genereations like our mother Aishah (radiallahu anha) did respecting his husband by obeying him, in sha Allah my spouse will attain Jannah supporting me as well.
I undersatand that being a husband is to lead, compassiontely and lovingly. I will be glad to fulfill my duty. Since the reward in akhirah is uncomparable with anything in dunyah, any effort on the way of Allah is justifiable. I also understand that apart from being religious, a husband should be equipped with Islamic education and should be able to support the family. I can do as much as I can.
Nonetheless, inshaallah I would appreciate for everything she does to make me love Allah more and for everything she does to make me fear Allah if I do anything that is wrong. I could not upload any picture I don't know why but anyway we can do hibta if you are serious. The rest can be discussed by email. My email abdulrahmany@mail.ru