

60 - Shia

Florida, United States

Jun 26, 2022 18:57

I am a generally a cooperative person, one who enjoys getting along with others. my friends would consider me helpful and generous. am considerate of others and strive to be friendly in social situations and empathetic in interpersonal ones. Because of my tendency for an optimistic view of human nature, am are generally liked by others. am considered to be good-natured and easy to get along with. When in conflict,i prefer to use constructive tactics. For me, sometimes it's more important to preserve the positive nature of the relationship than it is to "win" every argument. i also have a tendency to believe that most people are honest, decent, and trustworthy, and i find myself surprised when the unkind nature of others becomes evident. i can be more responsive to other's needs
than my own, so from time to time i may want to ensure that i balance others' needs with my own kids.
i know myself well, and i maintain a great balance between trusting my own ideas and reaching out for new experiences. am are steadfast in my own beliefs, but without being close-minded. This gives me to have a great flare for mixing the innovative with the traditional in my approach to life. i can be open to learning about new ways to do things, but at the same time i appreciate conventional ways of thinking. my approach to conflict can be very logical, and i pride yourself on having foresight. am open to an evening enjoying the arts, but at the same time i can also enjoy an evening where a pair of jeans is just the right outfit.
Sometimes i like to be involved in large group activities and i get energized from a crowd, and other times i would prefer a quite evening alone. i have my own personal threshold for sociability, and the time i spend alone makes me feel more ready to conquer the world. am generally comfortable around others and am good at adapting to social situations. i can find myself being contemplative one day, or in the mood to be more adventurous the next. Some situations call for watching before taking action, and others call for being more outspoken. i don't mind being a leader, but i may not seek the position. When part of a couple, it's important for me to balance time spent alone with time spent together.
am considered a person of character. my actions follow my conscience, and am rarely impulsive. When working at a task, i tend to be careful and deliberate. In fact, i work best with a schedule and due dates, and i am considered to be hard-working and reliable. At times, i have to watch myself, or i may become a perfectionist. i enjoy being organized, a trait that helps me to reach the goals i set for myself. my friends consider me to be highly dependable. i am focused when there is a task at hand, and i like to contemplate my moves because it allows me to take others into consideration before making decisions or taking action.
We all navigate the waters of our emotional lives, and some days i feel in control of my emotions while other days they get the best of me. This is most likely dependent on the situation, as i know how to make a good day last and i have learned how to tolerate my negative ones. A partner who has high levels of emotional reactivity is likely to trigger me more frequently. i don't like feeling angry, so i tend to accept moderate frustrations. Friends would consider me to be stable and contented. In general, i consider myself well-adjusted to the ups and downs of life.



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