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42 - Sunni

tamil nadu, India

Nov 12, 2015 01:30

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarajkatuhu
.I am a proud mother of two kids...I lost my husband 2yrs ago...My strive is to make ma kids the best Muslimeen,,,I am preparing ma chilrden to be sincere Ibaadur Rahman especially my son Esa who is 2yrs now Alhamdulilah to make him a Daee and an Islamic Scholar and my
daughter 6yrs old a Hafiza inshaALLAH......
well I am looking for a spouse who should be the best role model for my kids....teach them islam with love n affection and be hand in hand with me in this strive to please ALLAH swt....He should love ALLAH more than anyone else and try to do every deed for His Pleasure