

24 - Sunni

Vienna, Austria

Apr 29, 2024 22:37

I am currently studying physics and will in Shaa Allah graduate with BSc soon.

I am usually a cool and collected person who is capable of keeping his calm even in very heated situations (may Allah continue to help me with this in the future, Amīn). My weaknesses lie within my oftentimes lacking discipline when there is a difficult task. I ask Allah to help me with this.

I am very much interested in martial arts. I have been training since 2013. I am also interested in science (kind of the reason why I study physics). What amazes me in there is really the beautiful way Allah has created the universe and the fact that most of our daily things can be accurately calculated to a satisfyingly high degree. Other than the mentioned things I also like to go for walks and drives with my close friends, but that doesn't occur too often because of lack in time.


I am fluent in German, English and Bengali. I have learned Spanish in school and still have the basics. I can also speak little bit of Urdu and understand it even better. I can read Arabic with tashkeel without any major difficulty and read it without to a certain extent. After completion of my Hifdh-al-Quran I will in Shaa Allah enroll in a Arabic-course.