

34 - Sunni

Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Aug 7, 2013 00:07

23 year old male, fair skinned, green/hazelish eyes, medium length dark brown hair, average body, studying at royal holloway university, reading a management degree and looking to undertake a masters degree upon completion, I have three siblings, one older brother, one younger brother, and one younger sister, as well as a half brother and a half sister (who is married), I spend most of my spare time spending time with my family as well as cooking due to my active interest in it. I enjoy going out with friends and obviously when I am not at uni, I do spend time reading and watching scary movies. I enjoy going to the cinema with friends and out shopping (I love shopping), I also like to go to watch football matches. My ideal holiday would be going to somewhere hot like Morocco, Egypt, or Dubai and just relaxing in the sun! My life would be nothing without chicken. I love chicken. I have strong views about Islam but I keep to myself regarding my views as I respect other people's views and faiths. My religion plays a very strong role in my and my family's lives.
Insha'Allah, once I graduate I hope to be settled down with a wife with a financially secure job. I have always wanted 3 kids, two boys and one girl, but that is up to Allah SWT as we do not control our future. I would also like to travel the world with my family.



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Age: 38 / sunni

United Kingdom


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